First in Category-Young Adult Fantasy

First in Category-Young Adult Fantasy
Dante Rossetti Award

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Review of A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire #3) by George R.R. Martin

My review of A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire #3) by George R.R. Martin
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

I love high fantasy and have the greatest respect for the author's great world buidling: the attention to detail, the depth of character development—all his characters are, in a realistic manner, a mixed brew of strengths and weakness.

I have to admit that I found myself lagging occasionally while reading the second book, Clash of Kings—however, from midway through Storm of Swords I couldn't wait to pick it up in my cherished time for reading. I had to know what happened to Jaime and Brienne (yes, I was guilty of skipping ahead to the Jaime chapters in my concern for them)...Arya...Jon and...well, you know. This book is the best so far and I'm looking forward to moving on to Feast of Crows.

I did crack a small smile on page 121 when Ser Jorah says to Dany, "You were made to be kissed, often and well."...I'm sure George R.R. was channeling Rhett Butler (probably unconsiously, as Rhett and Scarlett's characters are deeply embedded in our North American psyches).

So much has been said so well by all the fans of the Game of Thrones series, that almost everything is cliche...but these books have enriched my reading life."/

Monday, April 4, 2016

Caliburn Press LLC, Authors' Rafflecopter and Request for Bloggers....

My publisher, Caliburn Press LLC, has miraculously herded us, authors, into co-ordinating a Rafflecopter with all kinds of swag and giveaways.

These giveaways include T-Shirts, books, bookmarks, etc.

You're invited to check it out at:

Caliburn Authors Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, I'm hoping to find some bloggers who would be interested in promoting the Caliburn Press
Blog Hop. If you are interested ( I hope you are) please go to the Blog Hop sign in page and sign up as a Prom/Spotlight Blogger for any or all the wonderful authors at Caliburn Press :) day is May 7th and I'd love to have you with me :)

Jodie Pierce (aka Vampire Queen ) will be forwarding you a Word.doc to use in your post.

Caliburn Press Blog Hop

Cheers everyone
and thank you